May 21st is End Of The world

Posted by BlackJack On Friday, May 20, 2011 0 comments
Ed Hindson, president of the World Prophetic Ministry, a distinguished professor of religion at Liberty University and host of “The King is Coming” on Trinity Network, says so flat out.
Hindson says Harold Camping “doesn’t have the right date.” And it’s not the first time. Camping earlier predicted Rapture for September 1994 and has a backup date of Oct 21 in case he is wrong this time.

Hindson is quite confident that the world will go on past Saturday. In fact, he is giving a speech to 10,000 people in California on Sunday, the day after Camping’s doomsday. Presumably those who are planning to come also do not believe that Saturday will be their last day on Earth.
How does Hindson know for sure? “There’s no solid biblical basis” he says. “God doesn’t give us a specific date. Jesus said, nobody knows the day and the hour. The Bible also tells you not to set the date for the second coming.”

Another Situation: Mose Macdonald works the impound yard of Stealth Recovery and Towing in Eugene, Ore. on May 19, under the shadow of a billboard proclaiming this Saturday as 'The Judgement Day.' An organization run by a California minister has purchased billboards all over the country proclaiming May 21st will mark the end of the world.

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