George Whitefield

Posted by BlackJack On Friday, May 14, 2010 0 comments
George Whitefield

John Newton Public Prayer Evangelical divine hymn writer George Whitefield, deacon in the Church of England evangelistic preacher Calvinistic Methodist Church How Sweet Name Jesus Sounds Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken Amazing Grace George Whitefield – (1714-1770), Methodist evangelist George Whitefield was born on December 16, 1714, in Gloucester, England. The youngest of seven children, he was born in the Bell Inn where his father, Thomas, was a wine merchant and innkeeper. His father died when George was two and his widowed mother Elizabeth struggled to provide for her family. Because he thought he would never make much use of his education, at about age 15 George persuaded his mother to let him leave school and work in the inn. However, sitting up late at night, George became a diligent student of the Bible. A visit to his Mother by an Oxford student who worked his way through college encouraged George to pursue a university education. He returned to grammar school to finish his preparation to enter Oxford, losing only about one year of school. In 1732 at age 17, George entered Pembroke College at Oxford. He was gradually drawn into a group called the “Holy Club” where he met John and Charles Wesley. Charles Wesley loaned him the book, The Life of God in the Soul of Man. The reading of this book, after a long and painful struggle which even affected him physically, finally resulted in George’s conversion in 1735.

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